Why I Can’t Be A Christian

It has been for two years now that I have delayed publishing what I know about Christianity. This has been for a number of reasons, the primary ones being that many abuse survivors have found much needed refuge, community and protection in Christianity and that also great work has been done in child abuse prevention by numerous dedicated Christians. The other main reason was not having been able to identify the positive side of Christianity beyond the obvious ethical, social, family and community guidelines that it provides. This latter reason has been solved through familiarity with Christic souls, and this essay contains a contribution to Christology, the branch of Christian theology relating to the person, nature and role of Christ. Due also to the flood of cases of child abuse by Christian clergy and in Christian churches which have been exposed I am offering information which will give a context for understanding the organisational basis of child abuse within Christianity and which will arm people for much needed house cleaning duties.

So what is the connection between transexuality and trans-humanism?

There has been a rapid increase in the rates of trans-sexuality since mind-control technologies started to be industrially developed after world war two. Note that transexuality before becoming a part of daily life, started to become known in movies and TV, for example The Crying Game (1992-Neil Jordan), and in songs such as Honky-Tonk Woman by the Rolling Stones, and Lola by The Kinks. These cultural artefacts have been produced with ever increasing frequency, again since world war two. This is very unusual.

Aspects of organised extreme child abuse

Aspects - view as downloadable PDF Below I list aspects of extreme organised child abuse that have been reported by survivors. Many more could be listed. This list is based upon my own experience, supplemented by testimony of others who have reported similar crimes. This document was inspired by a discussion of the very fine... Continue Reading →

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